God is always faithful!

As a missionary trying to raise support in preparation of going to the mission field, I find conversations about money to be… challenging. Not only do we not like to share how much money we make, we often feel like we’re judged for how we prioritize our expenses.

Late last year we received word that our homeowner’s insurance premium had risen about 200%. When I called and spoke to the company, the rep that I spoke with said “Wow! That’s really high!” Through some manipulation with coverage, I was able to get the premium lowered to where the increase was more like 100% instead of 200%. While that is still very high, I thought it was manageable. Through what was almost a comedy of errors on their part, however, I found out a few days ago that they had actually cancelled our policy!

I stood my ground, however, and got the company to reinstate our policy. Yay! Until yesterday.

Yesterday I went to pay our mortgage and found that our mortgage had increased by almost 40% (I’ll let you do the math, but, for example, if your mortgage is $2,000, your new mortgage is $2,800). Loring looked at me and said “High-five! We know that we’re doing something right, because the enemy is after us full force!”

So, we prayed. And we also tried to move money around, doing everything in the natural and praying that God takes care of the supernatural.

God is always faithful!

A friend contacted us last night and told us “The Holy Spirit really put you on my heart and I was wondering… do you have Zelle?”

We have to remind ourselves of this over and over again. When we called to the mission field, the first thing we heard, after the calling was confirmed was “Don’t worry… God know what you need for every step of the way!”

Joshua 1:9 says: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”